Parasites vs. Contributors

The political class of the West is full of traitors who opened the doors to millions of such freeloaders. There doesn't seem to be any positive to their overwhelming numbers: economically destructive, socially chaotic, religiously barbaric, and culturally ruinous.

At the minimum and just at a purely base financial level, the Western nations should be deporting all the migrants who are less than zero.

Waiting to die

At least 15,000 Canadians died while waiting for surgery or a diagnostic scan over the course of a year, according to government data collected by public policy think tank

The true figure for the fiscal year 2023-24 is likely nearly double owing to a “huge hole” in the data, said SecondStreet president Colin Craig. Missing are data from Quebec, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador and most of Manitoba.

The main argument against private health care in Canada is equity! We can't have rich people paying huge sums to get instant treatment. They must share in the misery. So, one public health care system for all! What these imbeciles don't see is that the wealthy in Canada, of course, don't get on wait lists. They simply fly to the US and get the best care in the world. In the end, the poor and the middle class suffer as they die while waiting months, and years!, for their surgeries for which they've paid taxes for decades.

“Canadians pay really high taxes and yet our health care system is failing when compared to better-performing universal systems in Europe,” Harrison Fleming, legislative and policy director at SecondStreet, said in a release. “Thousands of Canadians across the country find themselves on wait lists — in some cases for several years — with too many tragically dying before ever getting treated or even diagnosed.”

On average, over 100 rich Canadians travel to the US for treatment everyday; close to 40,000 in a year. Even with that crazy slack in demand, the Canadians health system can't provide care on a timely basis. Maybe, just maybe, the importation of nearly 10 million poor people in the last 10 years has broken the already overwhelmed system.

A cruel barbaric people

One can't hate them enough:

These Muslims think of White girls as sex slaves. They think of black people as slaves. Not very tolerant or inclusive, are they?

New New Delhi

No longer Canadian:

New data shows that Brampton’s population went from 656,480 in 2021 to 745,557 in 2022, an increase of 89,077 or 13.6 per cent in just one year. [...]

The independent website World Population Review, which analyzes population trends, says Brampton’s population sits at 826,998 as of 2024 and with the current growth rate the city should reach one million well before estimates.

Canadians don't have to visit India to see the filth, get scammed or experience the sexual harassment because India has come to Canada. The population of Brampton is 60% Indian.

Never go full retard

You must have a heart of stone to not laugh at this:

A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.

The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10.

It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants.

It's quite a rare sight: frogs putting boiling water on themselves.

Won't you feel sorry for these students?

The political class in Canada has imported nearly 10 million people in 10 years. The infrastructure is breaking down. Schools are more than full. Buses, subways, and trains are crowded. Specialist doctors have wait times that can extend over a year. The real estate market is insane as average, ghastly houses often go for over 1 million dollars. Monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment is close to $2,000.

Employers are often firing White people to hire cheap foreign labor which works for under minimum wage. Worse, sometimes these workers pay tens of thousands of dollars to secure a job in Canada since that "job" counts towards their permanent residence application. So, as Canadian teenagers and young adults are getting crushed in the job market, the taxpayer funded news corporation asks you to feel sorry for Indian students who can't find work in Canada!

Having spent tens of thousands of dollars on tuition, Trivedi called for the government to take steps to ensure students like her aren't left "overwhelmed" by the job market.

"I have invested $40,000 and if I won't get anything in return, then there is no point in living here," she said.

Trivedi said she was an assistant professor in India and already had a master's degree but came to Canada for what she thought were better opportunities.

Canada is not getting the brightest bulbs. This is rich:

"About 50 per cent of respondents said that they faced some form of discrimination from employers while they were looking for work," she said.

Poor English, fake paperwork, and fraudulent references tends to get that type of reaction. Plus more and more Canadians are witnessing the open discrimination against their parents, siblings, and cousins as Indian employers and HR tyrants showcase their nepotism.

This cultural enrichment goes to 11!

The thin veneer of civilization shatters:

Again, all this goes to show the supreme importance of the Second Amendment. If looters knew that they would be shot in the face by homeowners, then they would think twice about their cultural practices.

Don't count on the police. They'll effectively tell you to shut the fuck up:

"Righteous rage"

The police and the political class have made it abundantly clear that they'll target White people who dare complain about the imported child-raping Muslim savages in the UK. Slurs like rayciss, far-right, nazis have zero meaning as White people across Europe are learning the hard way that most of the colored child rapists won't be brought to justice.

The pendulum will swing back and justice will be brought to them.

A war on local workers

Yup. It's happening all over the West. In Canada, it's student visas (allowed to work 20 hours a week; used to be 40 hours!) or LMIAs (Labor Market Impact Assessment; employers pinky promise that they can't find any employee in the country. So, they get a foreign slave worker).

75% of the grocery and pharmacy workers in my area are Indians. I can often hear them, or worse smell them, before I see them. If an alien visited, he would think that Hindi and Punjabi are the two main languages of Canada. Local teenagers are not hired and, increasingly, older White workers are fired to make way for these Indians.

Just a few days ago, I went to an organic food grocery store. Three Indians behind the counter were chatting. A customer was ahead of me. One of them helped her at the register. Instead of providing service on the second counter, the other two Indians continued their inane conversation. Clowns!

Reality is racist

The malignant unifying force of these colored people is their hatred for Whites. An overwhelming majority of them don't have the IQ, the work ethic, or the cultural force to succeed in the modern world. Deceit, destruction, and chaos are their reliable traits.

The ancestors of the Spaniards literally fought for centuries to expel the Muslim invaders from their lands. Shockingly, they and their European brothers have opened the borders and invited in millions of Muslims and other foreigners in just a few years. Assaults, robberies, and rapes have skyrocketed.

The most depressing lesson from history is that people don't learn from history. They're doomed to learn ugly truths the hard way.

A cold hell

At the 16:30 mark, he talks about how his girlfriend lost her family doctor. She wanted to be assigned to a new one but she didn't qualify because she's not a person of color! Imagine having family that lived and paid millions of dollars of taxes in Canada for centuries but then the government decides to favor a colored foreigner who arrived yesterday. For all the talk of "tolerance" and "acceptance", the open hatred of, and discrimination against, White people is institutional in this country.

One can't blame them for leaving New India Canada.

Layers of fraud

A reddit AMA from a Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant:

[...] I want to start with a question for you: How many colleges in Canada do you think are designated to host international students? Think of the big names—Sheridan, Seneca, Centennial—and count them. Now ask yourself: “How bad could it be?” And what more.... Who wants to guess what it takes to take Designated Learning Institute status from the provincial government to host international students?

It's shocking to learn the true number of such fake colleges. The Canadian political class created these loopholes and millions of dense Indians who covet residency are pouring tens of thousands of dollars to buy their way in with fraudulent credentials and false paperwork. They'll do below minimum wage cash jobs and destroy the economic prospects of the young natives. The social and cultural chaos because of their scummy behavior is even worse.

Immigration is War

Corporations blather on about diversity when the reality is that they want cheap and servile labor. Multiply this one instance by hundreds of companies and one gets millions of American families who've learned a harsh lesson about the "benefits" of die-versity.

Magical Mosaic of Multiculturalism

The Liberals opened the gates for the barbarians. Canadians have learned the truth about diversity the hard way in just a few short years:

The polling also found that 65 per cent of Canadians say Canada is accepting too many legal immigrants. That figure, less than a year ago in February, was just 50 per cent. In March 2019, only 35 per cent of Canadians held that view.

Rules are for White people

Well, you can't have the same civilizational standards for depraved, retarded, wicked savages. That would be RAYCISS!

India Business Machines

IBM has been running on fumes for a while. This will accelerate the decline.

Shamelessly scummy

Just a few "life hacks" that Indians have made videos of in Canada:

  • Stealing groceries from food banks.
  • Not tapping the card on the subway or the bus.
  • Sign a lease for two people for an apartment but then have six unrelated guys live there.
  • Apply for cheap colleges from abroad, get the student visa, ignore the studies, and work under the table.
  • Getting a visitor visa for Canada and then crossing the US border illegally.
  • After all the student, worker, and visitor visas are exhausted, apply for asylum.

It truly is surreal to see so many of these Indians post videos of themselves in which they are not following rules, breaking the law, committing fraud and then cheerfully advocating that others follow their fantastic example!

Lies, fraud, corruption

Robert Sterling:

I downloaded five years of H-1B data from the US DOL website (4M+ records) and spent the day crunching data.

I went into this with an open mind, but, to be honest, I'm now *extremely* skeptical of how this program works.

You don't say.

A casual perusal of the data shows that this isn’t a program for the top 0.1% of talent, as it’s been described. This is simply a way to recruit hundreds of thousands of relatively lower-wage IT and financial services professionals.

In Canada, employers are literally firing old White ladies at coffee shops to then turn around and hire incompetent Indians for the same role. (The fact that many such Indians pay tens of thousands of dollars as a bribe to "work" and gain "experience" for their resident applications is a much ignored scandal by the atrocious media.) Canadians, like too many Americans, have to compete with the rest of the world for their jobs. So, while the government turns on the money printer, prices explode, mortgages are out of reach, and the rent is too damn high, the politicians and the big businesses make sure to suppress the wages of the locals.

No wonder, the peoples of the West are turning against ALL immigration into their nations.


Most of the colored candidates can't succeed on merit. So, Whites and Asians are severely limited from admissions in universities or, in this insidious case, totally blocked from job applications. Afterwards the demonic creatures berate the unfairly rejected White people as "dumb", "lazy", or "lacking work ethic".

The malevolence of such policies isn't limited to the unjust treatment of Whites and Asians. The ripple effects of lowering standards to hire cheap colored labor leads to the deaths of innocents:

Imagine flying in a Boeing 737 35,000 feet above in the sky and realizing that the software engineers for the plane were paid less than your local burger flipper. How progressive!  When your Pajeet jet accelerates towards the ground, you can take solace in the fact that nobody called you a RAYCISSS!

Culture of cheating

Layers upon layers of lies.

That's how so many Indians get ahead in America: fraud, exploitation, corruption, and nepotism. Of course, when average Americans research this and point it out, they're called lazy and RAYCISSS. Both Canada and the US will benefit tremendously by simply banning immigration from India and deporting those who have false documentation. It would be sensible and populist.

Learn from Canada

Aussies are also learning about these immigrants who want all the $$$$ but thoroughly reject the local culture! They want all the fruits but are not interesting in planting or nourishing the trees.


An Apple hiring manager describes his experience with Indians:

Since Silicon Valley hiring has everyone’s attention, here’s the experience of someone who was a hiring manager for over a decade during Apple’s meteoric rise 20 years ago. No dirt, big reveals, or criminal conspiracies; just thousands of tech bro resumes later.

The truth is often ugly:

One of Britain’s greatest crimes was teaching them to speak with that hackneyed, goobledygook accent, because it simply fries the brains of most Americans. It is scamouflage for the fact that they will lie, lie, lie as easily as you or I draw breath. It’s indescribable.

Canadians are also realizing the depths of this scummy behavior.

A hotel was hiring for the front desk. An Indian girl was interviewed. She claimed three years of experience working at a hotel in a different province of Canada. They called the reference; it checked out.

The interviewer asked her to count the total cash in a register. The Indian couldn't. She wasn't familiar with the coins! She had never worked at a hotel. Her reference was fake!

Also, take a look at the hundreds of thousands of Indian "students" in Canada. If the government was serious, then it would quickly find out that for an overwhelming number of these "students", the following is true:

  • Their paperwork is fake. The grades, the English proficiency test, the relevant financial statements, etc.
  • They quickly get a car license. They bribe their way through the test. They are not familiar with all the rules of the road. Result? Dead Canadians.
  • They start working in Canada. Too often, they bribe the employer. I have read as high as $65,000! Their fake job experience counts towards their permanent residency application. How can a Canadian compete with employees who pay tens of thousands of dollars to the employers?
  • When their study permit expires, they refuse to leave. You see, they have a right to stay. If you disagree, then you're a RAYCISSS.

In addition to all of the above, Canadians get to experience trash, disgusting body odor, sexual assaults, robberies, thefts, lower wages, higher rents, crowded public transportation, long wait times in hospitals, fleeced food banks, and retarded lectures about being "lazy" from dishonorable and depraved die-versity.

Canadians are learning the hard way.

Immigration is War

The MORE IMMIGRATION rhetoric is always because the West benefits from the super smart migrants. The reality is the exact opposite as the overwhelming majority of the tens of millions of migrants are from low-IQ and low-trust societies. They superficially "help the economy" as the GDP goes up but they rip the social fabric and degrade the quality of life for the peoples of the West.

Scores of White men and women have lost their jobs in Canada; only to be replaced by cheaper and illegal labor from India. Average Canadians are learning the hard way that Indians give zero shits about openly discriminating against Whites and then lecturing them for being "stupid" and "lazy" for getting fired. One can read countless stories of White workers losing their jobs because they don't fit in with the Punjabi or Indian culture at their job ... in Canada!

At the moment, there are four million temporary workers and visitors in Canada who must leave by the end of 2025 as their visas are expiring. That's just under 10% of the total population. They have spiked the real estate market and crushed the wages. Canada would benefit bigly when and if they leave.

Real privilege

The traitorous politicians and the globalist CEOs want to import tens of millions of cheap and servile workers from India. Of course, they live in gated communities with, often, armed security away from all the lovely benefits of diversity and cultural enrichment. Obama has a property in Martha's Vineyard and Rishi Sunak lives in Santa Monica which is nearly 9,000 kilometers away from the shithole that is modern London.

Nate Aluminium

The super shitlib is getting blasted.

Canada going down in tandoori flames

The Liberals imported nearly 10 million people in 10 years in Canada. The end result? 70,000 job applications for few vacancies in an Indian restaurant in Brampton, Ontario.

I would bet a thousand dollars that every single worker who did get a job there is a foreigner.

Anyway, that video is surreal. The narration is in Punjabi but the interviews are in English!

Very Bad Fire!

2000s: Ban all guns!

2010s: Ban all cars!

2020s: Ban all fires!

Hopefully, the police and the firefighters can contains these eeevil fires and put them in jail. If it saves even one life ...

Speaking of Very Bad Fires:

NYC is in serious need of common sense fire control.

Zoolander's legacy

Mild mannered Canadians are starting to notice and correctly putting the blame on the primary perpetrator:

Very Bad Car!

A mostly peaceful Christmas market in Germany:

A festive Christmas market in Eastern Germany erupted into chaos after a car was driven into a group of people.

According to German daily newspaper Bild, more than 20 people were injured in a suspected terrorist attack in the idyllic Christmas market in the Eastern German city of Magdeburg on Friday.

Zero details provided about the suspect. Best guess? A Japanese zealot.

Yeah, that was easy to predict.

A halaal doctor from Saudi Arabia murdered 10 and injured 80. Likely named Muhammad.

The totally NOT RAYCISS German police was on it a few days ago:

Germans have to face the ugly reality: BAN ALL CARS!

No justice in Canada

What do you think should be the minimum punishment for a foreign felon who commits the following series of crimes?

  • He robs a liquor store with his buddies.
  • They drive away, the police chase, and soon they're racing on the wrong side of the highway.
  • He's in the car as the driver smashes into oncoming traffic.
  • Two adults and a baby are killed in the other car.
  • Oh, he was out on probation while doing all of the above!

That's, a least, five different crimes.

How many years in jail should he get? 10? 20? Life?

The Canadian legal system "punishes" such an odious creature with 5.5 months in jail!

Manpreet Gill, the sole passenger riding in the cargo van pursued by police, faced 13 charges, including robbery, but was not charged in connection with the deaths, or the chase. An Oshawa, Ont., court heard last month that he acted as the "lookout" during the liquor store robbery in nearby Clarington on April 29, according to records reviewed by CBC News.

Speaking through a Punjabi-language interpreter in court last month, he pleaded guilty to three counts, including the lesser charge of theft under $5,000. Other charges were withdrawn.

The best part is the ending of the first paragraph:

A Toronto-area man involved in a robbery in April — leading to a high-speed police chase and a deadly wrong-way crash on a busy highway — has been released on probation and warned he may still face "immigration consequences."

A drug addicted foreigner can commit several crimes and be involved in the death of multiple people and just MAYBE! the government will PERHAPS! consider his POSSIBLE! deportation. The wickedness of the legal system and the treachery of the political class in Canada is truly shocking.

Learning the hard way

After nine years of traitorous Liberal policies in Canada, the average voter has had enough:

There's losing and then there's getting crushed. The Liberal lost by a margin of 50 points! Trudeau and the Liberals are going to get annihilated in the next federal election. It's shaping up to be the worst defeat in Canadian history.


The article about cousin-marriages in the UK which are largely the domain of Pakistani and Bangladeshi imports has photos of:

  • a White family which lives in the US!
  • British royalty from over a hundred years ago
  • Charles Darwin
  • Albert Einstein
  • Saddam Hussein (He fired rockets on Israel. Literally Hitler!)
  • White musicians from the US

In total, there are ten people in those photos. Not one is Pakistani or Bangladeshi! There are millions of retarded people in the UK who are devastating the health care system with their inbred progeny but modern journalism can't show you even one photo of them because RAYCISSSM.