Reality is racist

The malignant unifying force of these colored people is their hatred for Whites. An overwhelming majority of them don't have the IQ, the work ethic, or the cultural force to succeed in the modern world. Deceit, destruction, and chaos are their reliable traits.

The ancestors of the Spaniards literally fought for centuries to expel the Muslim invaders from their lands. Shockingly, they and their European brothers have opened the borders and invited in millions of Muslims and other foreigners in just a few years. Assaults, robberies, and rapes have skyrocketed.

The most depressing lesson from history is that people don't learn from history. They're doomed to learn ugly truths the hard way.

Never give an inch!

The Left is economically destructive. However, they are excellent at building mountains of skulls. The peoples of Russia and Ukraine were slaughtered by the millions in the 1930s. They had little way of fighting back. It truly shows the genius of the American founding fathers. That's why the Leftists are always trying to chisel at that one, tiny, pesky Amendment.

Oh, he did it

No other US president has won as many raw votes as him in three consecutive elections. Goes to show just how clueless and out of touch these people are:

And this time, he won the popular vote, the Senate, and the House, and will likely appoint even more Supreme Court judges.

It's not over

Canada will be on that list for next year. Prime Minister Zoolander will definitely be fired by the electorate. The only question: just how badly will his party lose?

Florida is crazy

I remember watching the craziness in Florida in 2020. Gore wins! No! Wait! Hanging chads! What? In the end, Bush won Florida by a grand total of ... 500 votes!

Right now, Donald Trump is leading in Florida by a margin of ONE MILLION votes.

Update 10 p.m.

His lead is now an absolutely staggering 1.4 MILLION. While Trump increased his absolute votes from four years ago, the joy is absent for Kamala. Roughly, a million fewer votes for Democrats than four years ago! That's a stunning preview for the rest of the US. Democrat voters don't like the Kackling Hyena.

Real history

The guy knows his stuff. He mentioned the Monroe Doctrine! The US is protected by oceans and she doesn't tolerate any European activity within thousands of kilometers of her borders. Yet, putting nuclear missiles on the literal borders of Russia is supposed to be reasonable. Putin had to put his foot down and create a buffer. The fact that he weakened NATO and the EU in the process is a bonus.

Maximum punishment to zero

England used to hang thieves whereas in California today, the police and prosecutors don't bother if the stolen items are valued under $1,000.

Not learning from history

Chad drops the greatest example possible. The line of tutoring from Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to Alexander produced the most stunning and audacious warrior in the Western world. The power of that refined knowledge conquered the world.

You will own nothing!

In 1913, at its introduction, the highest marginal federal income tax rate was 6%. It was an astonishing and unbelievable 91% during the Second World War. A century ago, it applied to under 4% of the total population. Today, almost every worker has to pay the tax mafia.

Add in the state taxes, property tax, and sales taxes, and many middle class people are paying over 50% of their total income to various levels of government. A capital gains tax on unrealized gains will absolutely be used to crush these people. The ultra rich will shield their wealth. The doctors, professors, small business owners, and the like will suffer. Since they don't have any real gains, they will be forced to sell their assets to pay the insanely high tax bills. The elites will gladly buy their properties and investments for a discount.

Oh, and Cernovich has the correct response for filthy commie trash:

Higher standards for Whites


The Indians kicked out the British after nearly one hundred years. Strangely, in all that time, none of the progeny of the British officers on the sub-continent became Indian. They were always foreigners who were, understandably, not welcome there.

There were roughly 150,000 English officers in India during the British Raj. COLONIZERS!

Millions of Indians are invading White countries today. DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH!

Vox Day:

Americans and Afrikaners are “colonizers” on “stolen land” despite 400+ years of presence in America and South Africa. But the Rwandan immigrant who murdered British children is “Native Welsh”.

The Destruction of America

Biden is going to offer amnesty to hundreds of thousands of criminals? More like tens of millions.

It's not like this is something new. Reagan's amnesty for nearly 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986 didn't help. It put in place concrete perverse incentives. Who cares about proper paper work? Cross the border illegally. Work cash jobs. Pay zero taxes. Get a fake driver's license. And then: viola! The rules have been updated. No jail! You are now magically a legal citizen.

The millions of people who wait in line, spend years on paperwork and fees, and then legally immigrate to the US must feel like chumps.

Won't you feel sorry for these poor Jews?

I wonder which group was instrumental in opening the borders of Western Europe for the modern barbarians hordes. Who knows.

Also, what the meshugana!?

No equality

Yeah, it's one of the most controversial opinions one can hold today: diverse peoples are different.

It has been almost 100 years since black gold was discovered in the Middle East. The Arabs still need to pay thousands of White professionals from the US, Canada, Europe, and Australasia to design and maintain their massive oil infrastructure. Also, it's not like they do the harsh, physical labor to build any of that. They simply import tens of millions of low-wage workers from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.

Once that oil runs out, it'll be back to sand and camels.

They can't stop digging

It's their self-serving, unprincipled mindset that will lead to another holocaust. Jewish politicians in the US vote against funding to build the wall on the Mexico border while sending tens of billions of dollars to Israel for its own wall and weapons. This would be like a guy berating and mocking an acquaintance for smoking while stealing his money to buy a pack himself!

They supported hordes of DIE-versity for White nations while doing genetic testing for their own immigrants. Now, they are SHOCKED when the coalitions of the coloreds hate their rich, privileged, militaristic, genocidal asses!

You know, for a group considered to be highly intelligent, Jews really are spectacularly dumb.

Kulaks go to gulags

It's the same logic when the Left crowned Trump as the new Hitler. So, what does that say about his tens of millions of White supporters? Nazis! And, of course, violence against Nazis is fully moral and justified.

George for George

Yeah, those who gave in and supported the destruction of statues and monuments of those eeevil Confederates can't say much when normal Americans from history start getting cancelled. They should have never given that inch.

George Washington was a slave owner. His face is on the one-dollar bill. Why should weak, feeble, and fragile blacks have to look at the demonic face of that slave owner everyday when they make simple financial transactions? Only a matter of time when such historical figures start getting deleted. Of course, they'll be replaced by DIE-versity. Most likely, George Washington will be replaced by Goerge Floyd.

No Whites Allowed

It's a perfectly reasonable position. Let the coloreds have their own playdates, schools, towns, cities, states, and countries that are away from the ULTRA VERY-BAD NO-GOOD SUPER-DANGEROUS White people.

Not understanding Ford

The financial history of the average man is being dirt poor. People recovered from their 100-hour work week during their "free" time. Just over a hundred years ago, the middle class had near-zero access to cars, air conditioners, air planes, television, etc. Only ignorant fools think that their 30-40 weekly hours at the job is the end of the world.


Look at the 20th century. Leftist policies were implemented again and again and again. The result? Death and carnage. Mountains of corpses in China, Soviet Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Africa. The most important lesson from history is that people don't learn from history.

The big positive for the US is that in most states the population can legally defend itself with lethal weapons. So, it won't be as catastrophic as it was in the mentioned examples.

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood...

Rude and retarded

The English ruled over the Indian subcontinent for nearly a century. The above logic means that the many children of the stationed officers born during that time must be Indian. If so, then why didn't the Indians accept them as their own? Why did they kick them out?

Anyway, unlike Mark Taylor, the Black dude knows his stuff.

A sad joke

Oh, it gets worse:

Much worse:

Over 100 million people were murdered in the previous century thanks to the benevolence of socialists. Instead of learning from the horrors of that evil, these monsters simply ignore the mountains of corpses and continue on their wicked path.

Extremely inferior

Funny, the same applies to the oil-rich countries in the Middle East. The rulers have acquired insane amounts of wealth over the past century but if the Americans were to leave then the Arabs would be back to sand and camels.