Those Crazy Koreans!
Trudeau has got nothing on Trump

Don't immigrate to Canada

The Liberal party has destroyed the financial prospects of the average Canadian since they gained power in 2015. The GDP per capita for Canada has remained flat for a decade. It's nearly impossible for a household to survive on one average income alone. This Ukrainian family learned that harsh lesson:

A Ukrainian family that came to Canada to escape the war is having second thoughts about their new home because of the economic situation. The Sadovnyks are reconsidering life in Quebec, just outside of Montreal, for financial reasons.

“They like it here but it’s just a question of money,” family friend Oleg Koleboshyn told CityNews. “They wanted to move to Canada. It was an opportunity for them.” But the dynamics of that opportunity changed immensely in recent months.

The family is facing financial difficulties and struggling to make ends meet. They feel they will have no choice but to leave Canada altogether.


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