I can't breathe!
Self-inflicted FATALITY!

Don't come to Canada

Many shady employers pay cash to employees. The minimum wage is $16.55. So, the workers get around $10/hr. All illegal, of course. However, it's going to be tough to beat this one:

A new job posting for a role at a Toronto Shoppers Drug Mart location is causing a stir this week due to the fact that it boldly seeks a worker to perform what many feel should be paid duties, but for free.

Loblaws, which owns Shoppers Drug Mart, made a profit of $2 billion last year. Millions of imported workers that suppressed wages for years just wasn't enough. Now, they want foreign slaves to work for $0.

"I receive alot of emails and LinkedIn messages asking for volunteer opportunities, but I don't respond. However, I saw that volunteer is an option on LinkedIn when you post for a job, and I just wanted to try it to see if I can help anyone gain Canadian experience (as other kinds of jobs do usually) knowing that I have full staff now," he says.

How convenient. Of course, he would never ever trim his paid workers for those lovely Paid-In-Experience slaves volunteers.


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