Just import the third world!
Interesting question

Import the Third World, become...

Metro Transit, which provides public transportation for the Twin Cities metro area, announced last week that it is installing new signs at light rail and bus transit stations which outline acceptable behaviors from riders.

A few rules:

The expectations of riders include paying ride fare and wearing clothing. Paying for one fare equals paying for one seat, Metro Transit explains, telling riders to hold their belongings in their laps and not place them on an additional seat. [...]

Peeing and pooping while riding on Metro Transit vehicles falls under the “illegal” category, according to the signs. “Transit property is not a public restroom,” the new rules read. They also explain to riders that sexual assault is illegal. “Sexual contact without consent is forbidden,” the rules state.

The Twin Cities have been culturally enriched!

In September, crime on Metro Transit trains and buses was reportedly up 22% over 2022 and 50% over 2021, according to the Center of the American Experiment.


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