That's just crazy talk!
Politically done

Do you feel neutral?

Despite Canada's ballooning population from the federal government's ramped-up immigration policy, the head of the country's central bank says the impact on inflation is likely neutral.

The Central Bankster conveniently ignores the plight of the average person by looking at the overall picture. To my surprise, the article goes on to describe the competing forces:

On one hand, increased immigration adds to Canada's worker pool and is helping to ease some of the pressures on wages and operational constraints, Macklem says.

On the other hand, however, having more newcomers means more demand for consumer products and housing.

Yeah, Canada imports millions of cheap workers to keep wages low for decades but the costs of goods and especially the real estate prices have exploded. So, net, no inflation! We've reached the stage where a couple making $200,000 a year gets rejected for a mortgage in the biggest city because their combined income is too low!

Most of Canada: depressed wages, can't afford a house, lower chance of marriage and family, birth rates collapsing. Not to mention the enrichment by diversity.

Government solution? MORE IMMIGRATION!


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