Halaal suspect
New Math for billionaires

The most common addiction

The reason why we love french fries, crisps and chocolate bars so much has less to do with a lack of willpower and more to do with the brain learning to prefer such high-fat, sugary foods, according to a new study by German and U.S. researchers.

Why can't it be both? Fat sugary foods are highly addictive and it requires tremendous willpower to move away from them.

"Modern processed foods are therefore potent reinforcers and, as with drugs of abuse, animal models have shown that their frequent consumption rewires brain circuits, even in offspring born to mothers consuming a high-fat diet (HFD) during lactation.

"Also akin to addictive drugs, there is evidence that this rewiring promotes further consumption of highly palatable energy-dense foods."

They're cheap and they're everywhere!

It was always amusing when my colleagues commented on my salad portion during lunch. What!? No dressing! How can you eat that grass? The fact that so many people slather their healthy, zero-sugar, low-calorie veggies in sugar and fat showcases this major problem.


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