Calamity for the young and poor
Don't say nigger

Leave the Coloreds alone

The theatre department at Arizona State University recently hosted a cabaret show that explicitly barred white students from performing in it.

“The Color Cabaret” is “an opportunity for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) students in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre to create performances that speak to their own experience,” according to a description for the performance held the last weekend in January.

When a black guy utters the word nigger, it's alright. If an unapproved White dude says it, then his punishment is swift and overwhelming. When coloreds ban White people from a theater show, it's fine. If a White group tried to ban coloreds from their show, then the media would descend on them like vultures and shred them. Then, there's discrimination in education, jobs, hospital medical attention, etc.

The logical end is for White people to have their own distinct society, nation, and country. Let the coloreds have their own separate "experiences" where they'll continue to bitch about horrible YT.


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