No justice
Nov 27, 2021
Alim K. (24) ambushed his pregnant ex-girlfriend with the knife. Then the student stabbed 76 times, killing Juvy-Ann (22) and their unborn child.
What should be the punishment for a monster who stabs a pregnant woman and her baby to death? According to a German judge: one decade. Worse, the demon will be be out in six years for "good" behavior.
Father Hans Joachim F. in tears to BILD: “A bank robber gets the same punishment. And here someone is butchering my daughter and maybe getting out of jail before he's thirty. How can that be?" [...]
Judge Kelm explains: “The victim insulted him before the act, that is a shattering of the personality structure. Only then did he freak out, pulling the knife he had brought with him."
What a template. Every halaal murderer is going to use that excuse in the future. That gal insulted me! I couldn't help but slice her up! You understand.