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Fatty McFatties are vexed

If you're carrying around an extra 100 pounds of fat, then a virus will make you extremely sick. Apparently, this is controversial:

Sweetgreen co-founder and CEO Jonathan Neman wrote a LinkedIn post Tuesday connecting obesity to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, saying “no vaccine nor mask will save us” and proposing taxes on processed food and refined sugar.

The post was deleted Wednesday, several hours after Vice published a story about it. Even before Vice’s article, commenters on Neman’s original post were calling his argument “fat-phobic.”

See, being fat isn't the problem. The people who point out the staggering health hazards of being fat are the problem.

“78% of hospitalizations due to COVID are Obese and Overweight people,” Neman wrote in the post. “Is there an underlying problem that perhaps we have not given enough attention to?”


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