Retards with black gold
Thanks, Obama

Money printer goes brrrr

I looked at the local sale price increases of a few items compared to two years ago.

Eggs: $2 --> $2.8
Butter: $3 --> $3.5
Milk (4L): $4 --> $4.7
Coke (6 pack): $2 --> $2.8
Potatoes (10 lbs): $2 --> $4
TV dinner (300g): $2 --> $3
Peanut butter (1kg): $3 --> $4.5
Chicken legs (1 lb): $1.5 --> $2.5
Lean ground beef (1 lb): $3 --> $5

For a second, I was surprised by the tiny increase for milk. Of course, the milk price is set artificially high by the Canadian government. So, it didn't go up as much because it's not the market price. Add in the price increases for rent, electricity, internet, electronics (especially graphics cards and laptops) and your average person is getting squeezed hard.


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