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Diversity Inclusion Equity (DIE)

White people have to learn to DIE:

A Minnesota theater has canceled an upcoming performance of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s "Cinderella" over concerns regarding the cast's lack of diversity. [...]

"It was 98 percent white," Michael Brindisi, the theater's artistic director, told the Twin Cities Pioneer Press. "That doesn’t work with what we’re saying we’re going to do."

Still waiting for the NBA and NFL to be cancelled because they're 75% colored.

This logic is particularly rich:

The theater also announced new diversity protocols it will be implementing going forward, including bringing Black, Indigenous and other artists of color to analyze future productions before they begin the casting process.

"We believe this new process will allow us to tell the story in a rich way and allow us to live out our commitment to identity-conscious casting and becoming a more intentionally anti-racist theater," the statement reads.

Anti-racist = Intentionally cancelling projects that have too many White people. 

It begs the question: What's the proper percentage of White people that will not get a project cancelled? 25%? 10%? Of course, such a requirement won't apply to any other race since that would be racist.


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