Just a little husky
Feb 18, 2021
A BMI of over 40 is classified as very severely obese. Liam Thorp holds the world record:
A man in his 30s with no underlying health conditions was offered a Covid vaccine after an NHS error mistakenly listed him as just 6.2cm in height.
Liam Thorp was told he qualified for the jab because his measurements gave him a body mass index of 28,000.
Their system accepts absurd data and spits out the results. Strange that there's no red flag when an extreme value shows up. Apparently, it's not just the NHS in England.
The BMI calculator at Diabetes Canada.
Weight: 500 lbs.
Height: 1 cm.
BMI: 2267737.4.
Their conclusion is quite apt: "This is considered obese."