International terrorism
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The teachers are learning

Teachers scared in Denmark:

Rotterdam police have arrested an 18-year-old young woman in connection with threats made against a teacher who had a satirical drawing about the Charlie Hebdo killings in France on his classroom notice board.

The teacher reportedly went into hiding after a photo of the drawing was picked up on social media, amid claims by a group of girls at the Emmauscollege that it featured Mohammed rather than a terrorist.

The teenager has been arrested for incitement, police said, because she had placed a message on social media which called on people to ‘commit crimes against the school and teacher’.

Muslims think that the murder of Paty, a French teacher, was justified:

The gesture of remembrance (minute of silence), which according to “Tagesspiegel” (TS) took place at several schools in the capital, was disturbed at the integrated secondary school in Reinickendorf by an eighth-grade Muslim student who stated that Paty had “got what he deserved . He should be executed. He had insulted the Prophet. "In response to the incident, which was promptly brought up in the college staff, four other teachers immediately reported the same thing, according to the headmaster's tenor:"Muslim students said this act was right, just no minute's silence for someone like that."


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