Day and night
Feb 17, 2020
Minneapolis police officers will no longer ticket motorists for broken headlights or turn signals, instead handing out vouchers to pay for vehicle repairs under a new department policy unveiled Wednesday.
A 2018 Hennepin County Public Defender’s Office report found that more than half of motorists stopped citywide for equipment violations were black, even though blacks make up only about a fifth of the city’s population. The disparity was particularly glaring in the ethnically diverse neighborhoods of north Minneapolis, where the study found that 80% of drivers pulled over were black, compared with 12% who were white.
The trillions in welfare wasn't enough.
If, at this point, you still believe in equality, of any sort, you're a) an idiot and b) are not intelligent enough to be reading this blog. The fact that European civilization requires Europeans to maintain it is not merely a truth, it is a freaking tautology.
Unknownsailor comments at Vox Day:
Ever wonder why Saudi Arabia has to pay white contractors to maintain all their fancy military hardware? Because there are few and far between people inside their own military who are a) smart enough to do so and b) want to do so.
1400 years of inbreeding does not happen without consequence.
(Nods head.) These Arabs have made trillions of dollars from petroleum but they need thousands of White people to maintain their oil infrastructure. They still don't have an educated and interested workforce after a century of oil money!