A very super bad wrap
The Swiss get serious

Mountains of Misery

For the past forty years, women have been demanding their relationships with men be free of traditional sex roles. Women said they can do everything themselves and “don’t need a man.” They wanted to lead and to be their own heroes. In exchange, they wanted men to be more like women: soft and nurturing and flexible.

Men listened and responded accordingly.

Those men are fools.

If traditional sex roles were truly passé, as the culture has insisted for years, women would have no problem finding a husband. If it didn’t matter which sex is richer or more educated, women would be perfectly happy in the provider role and would marry any one of the countless men of lesser status who are clearly and readily available.

But they aren’t doing that. And many of the women who are doing it are miserable.

Young women out of college think that they want to be STRONG, EMPOWERED, INDEPENDENT, and FIERCE. The perfect way to go about this is to get a mediocre job and become another obedient rodent in the soul-crushing rat race.

Soon, they yearn for a family but only with a taller, bigger, stronger, and richer man. Most guys, of course, can't meet the unrealistic standards. Result: tears.


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