Absolute fools!
Mar 21, 2019
A thorough display of stupidity, hypocrisy, and virtue-signalling lunacy:
The Shiv Lord twists the knife:
Keep virtue-sniveling, swedecunts. We know you’re blowing hot air. As long as the vibrant migrants — vigrants — are in the *other* town, and the girl cut in half isn’t *your* daughter, it’s safe for you to lie about your love of diversity.
Until it isn’t.
The political elite in Sweden are doing their best to murder their society:
The Swedish government will be opening the doors to China’s persecuted Uyghur Muslims and allow them to claim asylum in the country. [...]
The move could have real consequences for Sweden, a country of 10.2 million people by 2018 estimates, due to the fact that the Uyghur population in China is estimated to be up to 11 million people, according to Chinese state statistics.