Toxic Blackness
Jan 21, 2019
One aspect of the Covington controversy has received very little coverage, let alone condemnation: the outright racism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism of the (very small) black-nationalist group confronting the teenagers.
Molly Powell brings attention to these hateful and toxic Black people:
The students are called “hyenas,” “dogs,” “white crackers,” and “faggot.” They are ridiculed for being lice-ridden and told to “go back to Europe where you come from.” One man says he can tell by looking in the students’ eyes that they will be “school shooters.” They are the “product of sodomy.” We hear that black Jesus is coming back to kick the “white crackers’ ass.” This black Christ is not like the image of Jesus the boys supposedly hold — that Jesus is a “faggot child molester.” “Your president is a homosexual!” one man yells.
These Black people are so diverse when it comes to their choice of vulgar output.
To most in the media, the black nationalists’ words, and their role in the controversy, are apparently like wallpaper, barely worth a mention. But that in itself is a form of disrespect, a soft bigotry of low expectations. Or, are we buying the PC notion that only white people can be bigoted?
Blacks hurled profanities at high school students for over an hour. Media response: crickets. A White, MAGA, kid awkwardly smiled in a hostile situation. Media response: BIGOT, RACIST, MAGA NAZI!
The anti-White, anti-Trump, anti-Nationalist media doesn't report the news. They manufacture it. Thanks to those smartphone videos, we can all see the truth.