Dec 26, 2018
Fourth, Taleb conflates intelligence with survival. But this is just flat-out wrong. Intelligence is simply a measure of intellectual ability, just as size, strength, and speed are measures of physical ability. And while intellectual ability is not necessarily as easily quantified, and while IQ is assuredly not a perfect measure, it is no more correct to redefine it simply because some people with lower IQs have higher incomes than other people with higher IQs than it would be correct to redefine size because some short people have higher incomes than taller people.
It was surprising to read this take on IQ and survival by N. N. Taleb. Just because one scores super-high on an IQ test doesn't imply that one will survive and thrive. For example, an ultra high IQ guy who is lazy and obnoxious is likely going to do a lot worse in life (marriage, kids, wealth) than a slightly above-average IQ guy who is diligent and kind.
This is actually a more hopeful and optimistic view of the world. Imagine if, for instance, financial success was almost solely determined by IQ. Oops, kid, you don't have an above average IQ. You won't ever become a doctor, engineer or a tech guy. In fact, you'll be a janitor or a gas station attendant for life. You'll never be rich. Fortunately, that's not true.