Those horrible, racisss!, evil Mexicans!
Nov 17, 2018
The arrival in Tijuana of large numbers of Central Americans seeking asylum in the United States has triggered an anti-migrant backlash from residents and the city’s mayor, who has been labelled “Tijuana’s Trump.”
Mexicans are so racist and xenophobic. Don't they know that diversity is strength and immigrants do the jobs that Mexicans just don't want to do! In fact, they should keep all those migrants in Mexico. Think of the profound spike in GDP!
Instead, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastélum goes full Nazi:
“These people arrive in an aggressive, rude way, chanting, challenging the authorities, doing what we’re not accustomed to doing in Tijuana . . . I don’t dare to say that it is all the migrants but there are some who are bums, pot smokers, they’re attacking families in [the beachside borough] Playas de Tijuana, what is that?”
I can't even.