Orange. Man. Bad.
Idiot of the day

No money for Pakis

The US is reducing one of the biggest scams in history:

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday lashed out at U.S. President Donald Trump following his remarks that Pakistan doesn't "do a damn thing" for the United States despite billions of dollars in U.S. aid for the South Asian nation. [...]

"Instead of making Pakistan a scapegoat for their failures, the US should do a serious assessment of why, despite 140000 NATO troops plus 250,000 Afghan troops & reportedly $1 trillion spent on war in Afghanistan, the Taliban today are stronger than before," Khan tweeted.

Trump is correct. The US should stop giving aid to the Pakis who have nothing but deep, visceral hatred for America and infidels in general. Pakistan created, supported, and internationally recognized the Taliban who went on to impose barbaric sharia on the Afghanis.

Khan is also correct. The US should remove all its troops from Afghanistan. Let Muslims slaughter each other in the name of their peaceful religion.


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