Creeping sharia
Nov 17, 2018
Stephen cuts through the obfuscation. Many Muslim fundamentalists in the west play that game -- since they don't feel they can get away with howling, "Death to the gays!" like they can in Islamic countries. They pretend it's a meaningless hypothetical, rather than their ambition.
— Ibrahim S. Amin (@Ibrahim_S_Amin) 17 November 2018
Their argument: "Our religion teaches us to kill gay people / apostates / whomever else, but it's not a big deal. Those teachings only apply in an ideal Islamic state, the kind of state we yearn to build. Until we build it, most of us won't try to kill you. We're peaceful!"
— Ibrahim S. Amin (@Ibrahim_S_Amin) 17 November 2018
With all the bloody history and knowledge of the world at their fingertips, White people in the West still fall for the Islamic bullshit. They project their personality on to the barbarian hordes and refuse to see evil for what it is. They, and sadly their progeny, will learn the hard way.