An Exceptional Engineering Enterprise
All you need is a nudge

History marches on

Vox Day:

There is nothing strange about it what lies ahead for the planet. Diversity+Proximity=War. The Riders are already saddling up their Red and White horses; it will not be long before they begin to ride again. As Jerry Pournelle predicted so prophetically, there will be war.


I shut down my WND column when I realized that I had completely failed to even make the smallest change in direction, that events were going to take their course and the great historical patterns were going to play out regardless of what I did, wrote, or said.

That was partly my reason for stopping this blog in late 2012. I had blogged for eight years and almost nothing came of it. I restarted in May 2016. It's now mostly a place to vent.

Why don't the majority of people in the West pay attention to reality? Why do they open their doors to poisonous snakes who'll murder their progeny?

At the margins, there might be a few people who read and comprehend the danger but most don't want to. Imagine, if you were in Hiroshima in early August of 1945. You warn people about the upcoming death and carnage. How many would have listened and moved to a safe location? How many would have called you a retard and laughed?

Those who've read history and those who've lived among the diversity comprehend the ugly future. Explaining that to the average person is like teaching calculus to a chimpanzee. Eventually, the chimp gets pissed and throws shit in your face.


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