The Park of the Apes
May 26, 2018
One of the Whitest states in the US gets culturally enriched:
It was an otherwise pleasant evening in Maine when two dozen Somali youth swarmed and attacked two local residents in Kennedy Park last Thursday evening.
The Somali mob attacked around 7:45 pm, just as the sun was setting on this historic city park in the heart of Maine’s second largest city.
Shane Bouchard, the mayor, tries his best to be diplomatic:
“When you have large, diverse groups of people in the same place you are bound to have incidents. Lewiston is no different in that respect than any other medium to large city, except that Lewiston’s violent crime rate is one of the lowest in Maine.”
Surely that "low crime rate" will provide solace to those who were brutally assaulted by a gang of Somali thugs.
“Bigger picture, children are just not taught respect anymore, and that can be said about children in general, our visible population in that area just happens to be an immigrant population.” Mayor Bouchard said.
Yeah, those "New Americans" are just a little bit rude.