Ban the animals
Scared of Tommy Robinson

Soylo didn't shoot

Forget paying for it, I wouldn't watch it if it was free:

They're expecting Soylo: A Soy Wars Soyry to earn the least money of any Disney Soy-based entertainment.

The industry had been expecting, I thin, a $170 million domestic haul over the four-day Memorial Day Weekend (five, really, given that it opened Thursday night), but that had then be reduced to $150 million, and then to $130-$150 million, and then reduced again to $120 million.

The Chinese are really not interested in watching shit:

Soy Wars has not been popular in China. But Soylo just bombed worst than most in its opening night in China -- only $120,000 for midnight screenings in all of China, a nation of a billion and a half, according to a Chinese film industry analyst.

Women ruin everything:

Kathleen Kennedy really has no idea what she's doing. She spent most of her career as an assistant to Steven Spielberg. Now in charge, the only idea she has is to make every 90 pound girl a UFC champion-level badass and make random characters gay (or "pansexual").


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