Stylish stupidity
Advanced Reintegration

More halaal deception

Muslim Girl: Prophet Muhammed Was An Intersectional Feminist.

While some may disagree with some religious ideals of Islam as well, it’s important for people to know that most of the negative things you hear about on the news that are associated with Islam are due to patriarchal legislation that stem from controversial cultural ties and not Islamic ideals. In fact, I would say that Allah’s messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was an early intersectional feminist himself.

Islam is so thoroughly evil that it can't be presented in its true, ugly form to the West. Muslims must sugarcoat it to the point where a sex-slave-owning, genocidal, pedophile is presented as a totally super cool progressive dude.

What's stunningly farcical is that this Muslim girl would be swiftly slaughtered in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan for insulting Muhammad by calling him a feminist!


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