Fake Muslim on America
Apr 27, 2018
A shit-flinging monkey in action:
I heard about this one religious country where:
— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@MuslimIQ) April 25, 2018
•Husbands/Boyfriends kill 1600 women a year
•98% of rapists go free b/c there aren't enough witnesses
•DV is the leading cause of injury to women
That country is America—which is 80% Christian.
Some "first class" citizenship🙄 https://t.co/uZY4WDuTMl
Don't worry Qasim. You and your fake Muslim family can always go back to Pakistan.
i love this guy as he's teaching how not to read stats
— uberfeminist (@uberfeminist) April 26, 2018
"kill 1600 women a year" = if this is for China, a fantastic number
"98% of rapists go free" = a stat created from thin air that makes him judge
"DV is the leading cause of injury to women" = would you prefer ladders? pic.twitter.com/bQUxRQJPhO
The "rape witnesses" part was quite rich considering that Islamic law requires four witnesses to prosecute a man for rape. Qasim has earned contempt.
I'm sure women are MUCH happier in Saudi Arabia getting whipped in public for saying hello to a man on the street.....fool.
— MozartFX (@mozartfx) April 25, 2018
Don't you have a wife you should be beating like your book tells you?