Ignorance with attitude
Jan 28, 2018
A Swiss youth hostel in the canton of Baselland, wanted to care for three unaccompanied child refugees. The idea was to give them everything they needed for successful integration. The result was disastrous.
The children of Satan Allah are not easily pleased.
To be prepared for winter in Switzerland, the home carers supplied the three young men with winter clothes. But they didn’t like the clothes: “They were disappointed and told us they would rather go shopping at H&M or Dolce & Gabbana,” a care worker said.
The care workers later found out that the child refugees were selling clothes and stolen goods to other parties. Apparently their monthly pocket money of 160 francs (137 euros) wasn’t enough.
Two of the youngsters also received a season pass for the swimming pool, a bicycle and other things, to give them an enjoyable leisure time. It resulted in serious incidents as several women were sexually harassed.
These "child" "refugees" have watched TV and YouTube. They see White infidels with mansions, branded clothing, Lamborghinis, and chicks who drop their panties in a flash. Then, reality hits these "refugees" with a sledgehammer. They realize that they have a small apartment, basic clothes, a bicycle, and hot girls who're not interested in inbred, ugly, lame, broke-ass muzzies.
In other words, forget gratitude -- anger and petulance should be expected.