Smug children
Aug 29, 2017
Ours is an age that passes easy judgment on prior generations by sandblasting away the mention of those deemed unsuitable in the past, often by our present and sometimes laudable standards of morality—but without much concession to the cruel physical landscapes and poverty of the past or our own shortcomings that will be all too clear to subsequent ages. Which prompts more activist outrage by Antifa—a century-old sullen statue of a beaten secessionist Robert E. Lee or the indifference shown to unchecked bloodletting and murder in the streets of Chicago?
This story never gets old:
Two years later [after 9/11] I gave a lecture on illegal immigration to congressional staffers on Capitol Hill; an activist who was a liberal California House member’s aide, disrupted it, screaming that because I was a “classicist” I must believe in “classist” privilege and “classist” prejudice—and therefore should not be allowed to continue. Again, arrogance and ignorance are our era’s trademark.
Yup. Sadly, this is not limited to the US. The forefather of modern-day Spaniards fought with Muslims for almost 800 years to reclaim the Iberian Peninsula. Earlier this year, tens of thousands of people in Barcelona marched to open their borders to the heirs of those same barbarians and savages who were expelled.
Now, blood runs in the streets of Spain.