Real slavery exists
Aug 27, 2017
It isn't a White people problem today:
The routine abuse of thousands of enslaved Mauritanians, including rape, beatings and unpaid labour, should prevent the African republic from receiving US trade benefits, American labour unions have said.
“The government of Mauritania routinely fails to conduct investigations into cases of slavery, rarely pursues prosecutions for those responsible for the practice and fails to ensure access to remedy or otherwise support victims,” the union wrote in a petition, adding that the state harasses and imprisons anti-slavery activists and will not publicly acknowledge the continued existence of slavery.
“This represents a total failure to take any meaningful steps to establish freedom from forced labour,” said the petition.
Mauritania abolished slavery in 1981, the last country in the world to do so, but only made it a crime in 2007.
I wonder how the media is going to spin the White Supremacist Nazi Trump telling Mauritania to stop their slavery. How about Trump disrespects African culture; imposes White morality?