Racist library in Sweden
Feb 20, 2017
They are banning a book written by a Kurdish author:
A library in Sweden’s capital is refusing to stock Kurdish economist Tino Sanandaji’s “sincere and evidence-driven analysis” of the country’s immigration policy because the book ‘supports racism’.
The Swedes are taking notice.
Ekero library regular Maria Halkiewicz, who had wanted to borrow the book, condemned the decision. “It’s strikingly obvious that this is censorship”, she told Nyheteridag.
Here's a key quote from the banned author:
“You can’t combine open borders with a welfare state. If you offer generous benefits, and anyone can come and use these benefits, a very large number of people will try to do that. It’s just mathematically impossible for a small country like Sweden to fund that.”
It looks like a few white countries have to die before the rest of Europe wakes up.