No safe space for colored people
Geert Wilders interview

Broken States of America

Vox Day:

It doesn't matter whether you are a libertarian, a conservative, a liberal, a progressive, or a constitutionalist. Your ideology is outdated and irrelevant. It's all identity politics now, and politics is a subset of war. If the matter cannot be resolved politically - and the fact that this is the largest invasion in human history strongly suggests it cannot be - it will be resolved with violence.

The USA will be physically divided. At this point, the only serious questions are a) where the lines will be drawn, b) the level of violence involved, and c) precisely whom is going to be permitted to remain where.


Latinos are ruthless when it comes to their view and treatment of Blacks. I'm curious to see a) when the colored (anti-white) coalition will fracture and b) how the media narrative will unfold when Blacks are efficiently cleansed from Latino areas.


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