The Anti-Merkel: Hanson
Censoring the truth

"How to Correctly Report on Islam"

Here's the condensed version for German, infidel journalists: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

The journalist Volker Siefert (Frankfurt am Main) offered a sharp criticism of a planned event for chief editors organized by the Federal Ministry of the Interior together with Islamic associations. As he writes in an op-ed under the heading “Heile Islam World Workshop in the Ministry of the Interior” in the magazine of the German journalists’ association, Journalist (Remagen), the member associations of the German Islam Conference demanded that Thomas de Maizière (CDU) offer a course “in which chief editors of all relevant media in Germany should learn how to correctly report on Islam.” He said it would take place on the ministry’s premises in early 2017, and had been developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Islamic associations: “This is what the associations have created what lobbyists otherwise dream of: namely, that the state intervenes in the process of opinion formation, about something that is directly discussed with the media’s responsible leaders.”

That's the English translation of a German news source.


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