Infidel fools!
Nov 20, 2016
Imagine if tens of thousands of Nazi officials had wanted to invade immigrate to Switzerland in the 1930s. And the Swiss response was "Aha! You can't move in like that. You must give up your hateful swastikas first." So, every official would have ripped off the dreaded symbol from their luggage and then it would have been all okay.
This story makes about as much sense:
Cities in Switzerland are considering banning the distribution of the Koran in an attempt to crack down on radical Salafists proselytising on the streets.
Yeah. The Quran is the problem. Not the literal hundreds of millions who believe the evil.
And seriously, how can a government enforce the ban on any text? I can have the Quran in the form of a: physical book, pdf, epub, jpg, etc. Even if the government took all of that away, then I could simply access it on the net!
The solution is simple: ban Muslims.