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Hunting a refugee in Denmark

The Local:

The bodies of a 27-year-old Syrian woman and her two young daughters were discovered in a freezer in the southern Danish town of Aabenraa on Sunday night, police said.

It was a family of refugees.

“Police gained access to the residence, where the three bodies were found in a freezer. The woman’s husband, and thus the children’s father, was not in the apartment and is now sought by police,” Southern Jutland Police wrote. The two girls were aged seven and nine.

These girls escaped Syria ... only to be murdered by their father in Denmark.

Weiner breaks the dam

Info Wars:

According to former Jimmy Carter pollster Pat Caddell, Hillary Clinton is hemorrhaging support as a result of the FBI announcement and we could see a repeat of the 1980 election when anti-establishment candidate Ronald Reagan won in a landslide.

The Trumpslide cometh.

Caddell explained that the polling between Reagan and Carter was close up until the final weekend when “the dam broke” and Reagan shot ahead by ten points.

We had Brexit in June 2016. It would be gloriously brilliant if their Americans cousins also rejected globalism within just six months.

One of the best endorsements for Donald Trump

Jihad Turk:

I believe it is a religious, moral and civic obligation for Muslims to vote in order to stop Trump. That means voting for Hillary. That’s reality, whether we like it or not.

It gets better:

In my opinion, this is a religious and moral obligation.

Don’t take my word for it — this is backed up, even by some of the most conservative scholars in Saudi Arabia. In a fatwa, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Uthaymeen ruled: “I think that [participating in] elections is obligatory; we should appoint the one who we think is good, because if the good people abstain, who will take their place? Evil people will take their place.” In this election, it is clear who the evil candidate is.

An Islamic expert in a country that has been ruled by kings for 80 years is telling Muslims that it's obligatory to vote! And, of course, the good candidate is the one that got tens of millions of dollars from the Saudis: Hillary Clinton.

You know that Donald Trump is a fantastic candidate when Muslims (especially the wretched and odious Saudis) fear and despise his guts.

Vote for Trump! Muslims hate him!

Thrashing the muzzie bitches

Reason #78421 why Islam is a filthy, disgusting, vile cult:

British sharia court 'protects wife-beating suspects by sabotaging criminal proceedings against them' women's rights group claims.

One can't fully blame the muzzies in this case. It's the nefarious politicians of the UK who allowed this evil to flourish within the borders of their lands.

In general: Muslims are evil and infidels are stupid.

Islamophobic attacks on Muslim women!

Muslim Girl:

The 26-year-old mother of two was shot to death by her husband, Ahmed Mohamed Abdela on Oct. 23 in Richardson, T.X. Her family said he killed her after she had moved away from him to escape his abuse and violence, according to KDFW-TV (Fox 4).

This is the third Muslim woman murdered by her Muslim husband in the Dallas area in the last year. Who knew so many Muslim guys were "Islamophobic"! Where's CAIR when you need them!?

Director of the Islamic Learning Foundation in Texas Sheikh Omar Suleiman wrote on Oct. 25 that a week ago, Muslims mocked him for another Friday sermon on domestic violence. The death of three Muslim women within one year on the hands of abusive spouses is apparently a funny subject to many Muslims.

Of course, it's hilarious. These Muslims know that Islam codifies the beating of women. Obviously, they're going to mock a stupid "progressive" lecture from a dim Muslim.

Furthermore, Islam has a fourteen hundred year history of violence, slaughter, rape and conquest. Writing sentences like these won't convince anyone:

Islam does not tolerate violence or the killing of people, no matter what their gender, race, or religion is.

(Laughs.) Keep on lying to yourself, you silly Muslima. It won't save the life of even one Muslim girl.

Makes total sense

Why should the 1 million rapefugees learn German? It's certainly better to force the 80 million Germans to learn Arabic.

A Syrian migrant teen has demanded that all signs and products in Europe should be labelled in Arabic to make migrants feel more welcome.

“Of course everything in Europe should be in Arabic for refugees,” Bacho wrote in the German edition of The Huffington Post. Claiming that he finds it “sad” that many migrants can live in a country like Germany for years, or even decades, without ever learning German, he says that integration is difficult due to the language barrier.

You live in a country for decades and don't bother learning the language?

According to Bacho, if everything were in Arabic then migrants who have passed their driving licence would find it easier to drive in Germany, they would “understand the law more quickly”, and be able to enter the labour market if Germans spoke and wrote Arabic, rather than German.

I grew up in Saudi Arabia but it still astonishes me to see the insane entitlement of these inbred Arab Muslims. Of course, there are always some useful and asinine infidels who'll echo the cause:

The comments made by Bacho echo calls by German academics who have suggested idea that German pupils should have mandatory Arabic classes until they finish school to better integrate new migrants. Professor of Computer Science Thomas Strothotte said such a move would make the migrants feel “more welcome”.

Another Clinton Weiner Scandal

Gateway Pundit:

Vice President Joe Biden could not hide his reaction when told during an interview with CNN that aired late Friday night that disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of close Clinton aide Huma Abedin, was reportedly behind the renewed FBI investigation into Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

It's nice to see a genuine moment of honesty from a politician.

SPLC: Severely Political Luciferian Clowns

Jihad Watch on how opposing evil makes one an extremist:

Sam Harris thinks it’s “unbelievable” that Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali made it to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hit list of “Anti-Muslim Extremists.” He said nothing about me or the other people whom the SPLC included, which is not surprising, since he has quite recently expressed willingness to acquiesce in other contexts to the demonization that the SPLC list exemplifies.

Hemant Mehta of The Friendly Atheist blog ably sums up the outrage over Nawaz and Hirsi Ali being included: “If criticizing religious beliefs makes them extremists, then it won’t be long before other vocal atheists end up on that list too. And make no mistake, that’s what Nawaz and Hirsi Ali are doing. That’s all they’re doing. They’re not anti-Muslim; they work with moderate Muslims. They’re critical of the worst aspects of Islam.”

Islam is a disgusting, filthy, evil religion. It has no moral defense. That's why Muslim countries ban the criticism of Islam. They make it a crime punishable by death. The SPLC are just a bunch of ignorant, useful infidels who are virtue signalling their tolerance by pointing out the "hateful" suspects who dare to speak ill of Islam. In reality, they're helping Muslims by providing them with a hit list.

Offensive Halloween Costumes

Muslim Girl:

My second favorite holiday that I don’t celebrate is Halloween. I love how people get into costume and character. Plus, the candy is sweeter right around that time. It is also that time of year when I have to school you on what lines you have to be careful not to cross.

What's worse than an SJW? A Muslim SJW.

Now if you see someone dressing up as something offensive, tell them immediately! Halloween should not be an exception to use your privilege and culturally insensitive for one day of the year.

Don't you hate it when idiots culturally appropriate English and then butcher the grammar?

Anyway, the following are a few costume / clothing suggestions for Halloween. I've arranged them in order of decreasing difficulty.

11. Goddess Kali. Heidi Klum's assistants definitely put some time and effort here.

11. Kali Heidi Klum

10. Moderate muzzie male. He comes in peace!

10. moderate muzzie male

9. Do you love lions? Then, this costume is for you!

9. killer driller

8. Cool vest, Acchhhmed! Wanna bring it to the White House?

8. moderate muzzie kid

7. Sexy Arab gal. I can see her ankles: SLUT!



7. sexy arab girl

6. Moderate muzzie female.

6. moderate muzzie female

5. George Soros.

5. George Soros mask

4. Hara... I just, can't even...

4. harambe

3. Save a goat t-shirt.

3. save a goat

2. Oops.

2. poopy muhammad

1. Supreme eloquence.

1. fuck islam

Immigration is rape culture

This is what happens when you put wolves and sheep together:

POLICE have launched an investigation after a gang of young Syrian asylum-seekers sexually harassed three schoolgirls at their local swimming pool.

The girls - sisters aged 9, 11 and 14 - were surrounded and molested by seven migrants, the youngest of whom was just seven.

Those rapefugees grow up so fast! They've already learned the art of taharrush.

Teach rapefugees to, er, not rape

NDL News:

A SYRIAN migrant accused of brutally and repeatedly raping his wife and severely abusing his own three-year-old child has told a court he did not know it was illegal to force her to have sex with him.

Assaulting the wife is not a crime in many Muslim nations. Why? Because, it's sanctioned by Islam.

The prosecution claims Abdul violently forced his wife, 25, to have sex with him on four occasions. If she spurned his advances he would savagely beat her, in front of his children, in a room of a refugee camp that used to be a hotel in Schöneberg, Berlin, the court heard.

Hitting children is the norm as well. Both at home and in school. In my entire extended family, I know for sure of only one aunt and uncle who didn't thrash their children. Unfortunately, on too many occasions, I witnessed the violent punishments from the rest of the family. I knew of one uncle who beat his wife. Nobody did anything to help the poor woman.

Once incident, which took place while waiting for food in a queue, saw the Syrian throw his three-year-old son on the ground and kick the boy until two men pulled him away.

This is the love Muslims show their own flesh and blood. Now, try to imagine the compassion they would show to the hated infidels.

Crooked Hillary and her lapdogs

The corruption and the collusion is astonishing.

As of tonight, WikiLeaks has now released roughly 32,000 out of the 50,000 emails that it claims to have obtained from John Podesta’s hacked email account. If that weren’t enough, James O’Keefe and his whistle-blowing organization, Project Veritas, is in the process of releasing a video series that is packed with damning evidence against the Hillary Clinton campaign machine.


Mr. Brexit coming up next month?

A good example of the media trying to shape a vote occurred 36 years ago today.

In a Gallup poll released on October 26th in 1980, two weeks before the election, Jimmy Carter was leading Ronald Reagan 47 – 39.

If Trump wins, then the polls were seriously wrong.

A couple of reasons why:

1. Oversampling of democrats which skewed the result towards Crooked Hillary. No media bias, promise!

2. Lots of people didn't tell the truth to the pollsters by picking a non-republican candidate. They didn't want to be viewed as racist deplorables.

I do hope Trump wins. The meltdown on the left will be glorious.

Incomprehensible twisted logic

The Express Tribune on a really strange case of multiple murder:

Giving details of the murders, CCPO said that the killings were the outcome of a domestic dispute. He said Muhammad killed his wife after he found out about her alleged affair with a local drug peddler.

The accused, Muhammad, was an Afghan refugee and had settled in Peshawar 35 years ago and had later married Bano, who was a resident of Peshawar. They had two daughters.

Following the repatriation of Afghan refugees, Muhammad had decided to move back to Afghanistan to which Bano did not agree. The dispute later led to the accused killing the three victims.

His wife was cheating on him. So, why did he kill his daughters?

Pay no attention to the religion

Can Nazis Be Strong Allies of the Jewish Community?

That's about as sensible a question as asking, "Can Muslims Be Strong Allies of the LGBTQ Community?"

[...] I hope we can all agree that it’s about time that the Muslim international community comes to term with the fact that Muslims who identify as members of the LGBTQA community are continuously discriminated against, verbally and physically abused (sometimes even BURNED to death) and relegated to the corners of society stamped as “disgusting.”

Here's comes the cowardly obfuscation.

The purpose of this article was not to reach a consensus on whether homosexuality is forbidden or permissible in Islam. I am not a scholar and do not have the years and years of learning required to issue a ruling.

If the title wasn't enough, then this is where the entire article falls apart. There is one thousand and fourteen hundred years of consensus. Ten countries today punish homosexuals with death. Guess what they all have in common?

Here's an imam (in Florida of all places) telling us that death is the compassionate sentence for gays.

The author is also a comedian:

I understand if you don’t believe that homosexuality is permissible in Islam — and you are entitled to your beliefs, but we can all agree that Islam places greater emphasis on loving people than on chastising them.

(Laughs.) Yeah, that's what Muslims have been spreading all over Europe and the US in this century: LOOOVE.

I find it amazing how "moderate" Muslims lie to themselves. Their religion calls for fragging fags. Yet, here's this idiot who doesn't know for sure what Islam says about that.

Nourishing snakes and scorpions

File this under: Muslim are evil. Infidels are stupid.

Syrian refugee with FOUR WIVES and 23 CHILDREN ‘claims £320,000 a year in benefits'

Death and carnage subsidized by Merkel!

Germany does not legally recognise polygamy, meaning that Ghazia A was forced to choose a “main wife” so the rest of the family could claim benefits. The other three wives are categorised as “friends” of the Syrian migrant.

Giving extra meaning to the term, "friends with benefits".

Do you feel the love?

The Telegraph:

A Muslim man whose children have been taken into care after a High Court judge decided that they had been abused has complained of social workers being prejudiced against him.

Yeah, that's racist! Don't you know that in their culture it's normal to beat up kids.

A teacher was arrested on Friday for beating a minor student reportedly for not doing his homework. The police arrested the female teacher after parents of the four-year-old, along with residents of Shujaabad, protested over the issue on Friday.

I found it odd that the cops were called in this case since beatings take place every day across schools in Pakistan and nobody complains. The real problem here is that the teacher went too far:

The student’s father Muhammad Afzal, a resident of Shujaabad, said his son Fatahuddin was a student at Suffa Middle Public school, which is affiliated with Punjab Education Foundation. “My son fell unconscious when his teacher beat him with a rod on October 20,” he told The Express Tribune. “Around 10am I received a phone call from the school that my child had fallen unconscious.”

A female teacher beat a four-year-old boy so viciously that he passed out.

Canadian pussy

Last year, the new Canadian Prime Minister filled half his cabinet with vaginas. Why? Because it was 2015, yo!

Now, one of them was so -- I just, can't even ...

 A landmark trade deal between the European Union and Canada is in meltdown, after Canada’s trade minister walked out of talks with the Belgian regional parliament that has been blocking the deal.

The Canadian trade minister, Chrystia Freeland, was on the verge of tears on Friday as she announced the “end and the failure” of talks with the Walloon government.

She worked really really hard and she failed. She's really really [wipes away tears] sad.

This is what happens when you pick your government on the basis of genitalia instead of little grey cells.

Harpies from Hell

Against Diana:

Recently the United Nations ‘appointed’ Wonder Woman as an Honorary Ambassador for the empowerment of women and girls, which makes perfect sense if you understand Wonder Woman’s history and her storyline.

Many crazy, ugly bitches feminists are upset.

The petition feminists are asking others to sign says, “A large-breasted white woman of impossible proportions, scantily clad in shimmery, thigh-baring bodysuit with an American flag motif” is not an appropriate Ambassador for gender equality.

It's funny. My exact, same thought was written out in the next sentence:

So if Wonder Woman was ugly, had small boobs and wasn’t white would that be acceptable?

SJWs can't be appeased. They must be opposed.

Teach "Asians" not to rape

Very poor English:

Police have launched an investigation after a man was raped in Manchester city centre.

The 23-year-old man was walking along Brazil Street at about 4.30am on Wednesday when he was approached by a man.

They walked together for a short distance, before the man raped him in a doorway and then robbed him.

What has the world come to when "Asian" rapists fuck you twice!?

The suspect is described as Asian, aged around 30, around 5ft 10ins and of medium build with short styled facial hair and black short hair. He is also believed to speak little English and was wearing a black jacket and grey bottoms.

Probably, Japanese.

Fabricated statistics

Merkel doesn't want to hurt the feelings of rapefugees:

Events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve gained international attention as mobs of migrants robbed indiscriminately and launched group sex attacks on a scale previously unseen in Europe, but they failed to make any impact on police statistics.

Of the 500 attacks which were filed in detail with the police, only 17 appear in the Police Crime Statistics (PKS) — the best known and most often cited police statistics — and those that do appear are recorded for the months of April and June.

How convenient. The government is likely keeping the violent crime statistics in check as well. You see, reality is not defined by what you can see and experience; reality is what the government says it is.

Crooked Pravda

Gateway Pundit:

We all knew the corrupt media polls were BS.
Now thanks to Wikileaks we know our assumptions were correct.
The media was working with Hillary Clinton to release bogus weighted polls that show Hillary ahead of Trump.

We'll see in November which polls have the most credibility.

Also, anyone who can see isn't surprised by this:

Thanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign this election year. They were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta or Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson.

The MSM doesn't report the news; they manufacture it.

As previously reported— At least 38 top national reporters attended a different dinner at John Podesta’s house in April 2015.

The Clinton campaign sent out invites to New York reporters in April 2015 on their off-the-record meeting on how to sell Hillary Clinton to the public.

Excusing Evil

The Muslim man doing the job that Austrians won't do:

Amir A, 20, was visiting the Theresienbad pool in the Austrian capital of Vienna last December as part of a trip to encourage integration.

He integrated:

When the youngster went to the showers, Amir A. allegedly followed him, pushed him into a toilet cubicle, and violently sexually assaulted him.

Amir raped a 10-year-old boy.

A court found Amir guilty of serious sexual assault and rape of a minor, and sentenced him to six years in jail.

However, in a bizarre twist, the Supreme Court yesterday overturned the conviction, accepting the defence lawyer's claim that the original court had not done enough to ascertain whether or not the rapist realised the child was saying no.

People of the West will soon realise that their politicians and their legal system won't protect them from the evil of Islam. Worse, they don't even punish those who're caught and guilty. Then, people will, rightly, take justice into their own hands.

Holy train wreck

Alpha Game:

Here is an object lesson in why you should avoid permitting Gammas to join your team or your organization if at all possible. With the announcement of Infogalactic, we have a lot of volunteers coming forward who want to help, but as you can imagine, we're extremely busy, so we've been practicing a form of triage with regards to whom we get back to. Just to put this in context, since we've decided to bite the bullet and write our own engine, our current needs relate more to below the hood stuff than the paint job.

Vox publishes the emails and responses which get crazier with each word. The guy who would have loved to help out turned out to have the temperament of an overemotional bitch. He just couldn't accept the simple rejection -- which further justified the initial decision by Vox.

Weak and Demented Woman Cries and Quits

Alpha Game:

Women interpret criticism as "hate" and "abuse". This is why it is important to keep constantly hammering at the feminists and SJWs. They can't take criticism. They can't take the heat. It kills them inside. Sooner or later, they will quit and sink back into the bitter solipsism that spawned their attack on reality.

This brings back memories of a vibrant train wreck. There was a Pakistani female blogger called The Apostate. She had left Islam and put her faith in the Left. Some of her qualities:

-- She hates men. She thinks that The PatriarchyTM keeps women down.

-- "All men are rapists."

-- "Communism is cool."

-- She thinks that white, Christian men are typically sexist and racist.

-- Killing babies is alright. Infanticide is fine with her since the babies aren't really "persons".

When I blogged about these utterly lunatic and evil beliefs, she vomited about "lies" and said that I was "stalking" and "harassing" her. (Laughs.) Apparently, merely linking to her and not agreeing with her should be illegal.

Then, on one glorious day that ugly and vile woman deleted her entire blog.

Patriarchy FTW!

The Age of Absurdity


Olympic gymnast Louis Smith has missed out on celebrations being held in central London to honour Britain’s Olympic team – to visit two London mosques in a bid to atone for having joked about Islam.


The athlete has been pilloried in the British media after a video emerged of him and his friend, fellow gymnast Luke Carson, jokingly mimicking Muslim prayers while drunk at a wedding. Carson has already retired from professional competition due to an injury, but Smith may miss out on the next Olympic games, due to be held in 2020, thanks to the level of objection to the joke.

A British athlete has his career ruined because he made a joke. Plus, the dhimmi is going around mosques and asking for forgiveness from his masters.

Here are a few cartoons from the Islamic world:

Akhbar al-Khalij, 2004

The Sunni vs. Shia conflict? It's because of the Jews.


A Jew corrupting an innocent Muslim.

Jewish media

We hit the jackpot! The Jew is 1) Satan's minion, 2) American, 3) controls the movie business and 4) a snake.


Those damn Israelis messing with the bastions of Liberty.

Jewish vampire

No comment needed.

Al Jazeera 2016

Netanyahu! Needs more blood and skulls.

Do you think any of these Muslim cartoonists will be visiting synagogues to apologize for their grotesque portrayals of Jews?

Crooked Muslims

Muslim Girl:

We had record numbers in 2008: 89 percent of American Muslims voted for Barack Obama. But, we can’t stop there. Our work is far from over.

Yeah, you're going to ruin America even more.

This year, your vote will cast a side — not just for Republican or Democrat, not just liberal or conservative, or left or right. This election, your vote casts a side for gender equality, incarceration, public education, justice, and human dignity.

Acceptance and celebration of our religion for God’s sake — that’s on the freakin’ ballot.

Oh, the melodrama. Let's look at those points.

Gender equality: This is a joke right? Women are required to cover themselves with garbage bags in Arabia and Iran. Even in places like "moderate" Malaysia, the punishment is public whippings for girls who stand too close to their boyfriends.

Incarceration: Anyone who "jokes" about ISIS or Islam is thrown behind bars in Muslim societies. Critiquing Islam is punishable by death. As for the Muslim immigration issue, why is it that oil-rich, Islamic countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia are not accepting their poor, hapless "brothers" from Syria?

Public education: Trump is magically against the public education system?

Justice: Muslims have 54 majority countries. They enforce strict border controls and, to a certain degree, Islamic law --  the distilled evil known as sharia. Americans have just as much a right to close their borders and make their country Christian-only or Infidel-only. Their is no compromise on this issue because the very nature of Justice has a different meaning for Muslims and non-Muslims. If Muslims really like their idea of justice, then they should stay the fuck out of the West.

Human dignity: Please. Islam mandates that those who leave Islam should be killed. Their is no freedom of thought, religion or expression in Islam. Hence, no human dignity.

What's amusing about all this is that an insincere Muslim woman is openly calling for her supporters to vote for a woman. The very concepts of democracy, voting and a woman as a leader are incongruent with Islam.

Of course, a woman was once voted in as a leader in a Muslim country. It didn't end well for her.

No interpretation needed

I thought of becoming an interpreter for the Canadian government over a decade ago. I can read and write Urdu. I can communicate in Hindi and Punjabi. And I could brush up my Arabic and be okay with it after a few months.

Then I thought about the class of people that I'd be dealing with.

A female interpreter was raped at knifepoint on Monday night near the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, according to local French prosecutors.

The interpreter, aged 38, was working with a freelance journalist who was making a documentary about unaccompanied children in the sprawling camp for refugees on the outskirts of Calais.

The interpreter idea was nuked.