Instapundit vs Twitter
America's retarded little cousin

Let's import them

RAWA News:

As the war against the Taliban grinds on, Afghan women are still largely treated as property and barely a week goes by without news emerging of a woman or girl being stoned to death, burned with gasoline, beaten or tortured by her in-laws, traded to repay a debt, jailed for running away from a violent husband, or sold into marriage as a child.

Here's one example:

22-y old Fatima who has been abused and injured by her cruel husband in Herat - Western Afghanistan. Her toes were cut off by her husband, she was burnt by hot water, he hair were pulled, and according to a doctor of a local hospital in Herat: "The 22-y old woman claims to be beaten up by her husband around two months ago, according to our investigation, signs of beatings and injuries are seen all over the body. Now she is hospitalized in the women's ward."


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