Understand your enemy
Aug 23, 2016
A new study based on interviews conducted over social media with foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria raises doubts about the commonly held notion that young men in North America and Europe who are drawn to violent Islamic extremism must be marginalized loners looking for an alternative to their dead-end lives.
The theory is ridiculous but it does allow politicians to blame the West; if only we were compassionate and thoughtful and nice to these fragile flowers, then they wouldn't have cracked and slaughtered innocents.
Notice, how the Religion That Must Not Be Named remains unmentioned. Of course, reality will, sooner or later, hit you like a sledgehammer.
The report repeatedly stresses the finding that, based on what fighters themselves say, they are “pulled” to Iraq and Syria by religious ideas, rather than being “pushed” by the realities of their lives in the West. “None of our sample indicated coming from familial situations of poverty or marginality,” they say. “On the contrary, many indicated they had fairly happy and privileged, or at least comfortable, childhoods. In general, there was almost no discussion of the economic situation of their families.”
Financially poor Muslims don't fly planes into buildings. They don't travel the globe to fight against the infidels. They don't have high-speed internet from which they get their evil education.
Genuinely poor Muslims are too busy not starving to death every day.
It's usually pampered scum like Osama Bin Laden who have too much time and comfort to plan, and then put in motion, their atrocities.