Won't someone think of the children
Jun 07, 2016
After the tech bubble burst in Israel in 2002, Lisa Goldman was broke and desperate for work when an acquaintance approached her about a job with the Japanese branch of a global finance business.
This should be fun.
In regard to building a personal life in the Japanese capital, she found that neither Japanese men or male Western expats were interested in dating Western women.
I wonder why? Maybe the men are just threatened by such a strong, independent, 40-is-the-new-20 woman?
However, what she says made her "want to scream" was that she would see men openly reading pornographic comic books on underground trains. "You could buy them from vending machines," says Ms Goldman. Overall, she describes her six months living and working in Tokyo as "a bit like being a feminist forced to work in a vast, open-air pole dancing club".
The horror. Men are rejecting an old, emotional, wrinkled, work-crazy, toxic feminist for a life of blissful fantasy. How dare they!?!