Rotten to the core
Fast and Furious: Ramadan rules

Killing the Canine

It's normal to see a few owners with their dogs walking outside every day here in Canada. A couple of the dogs are happy to see me because they love the free attention. This wasn't always normal. I lived in Saudi Arabia for almost fifteen years and I never saw a single dog there.

Why? Just read Bare Naked Islam:

Dog lovers in central Iran are in an uproar after authorities began confiscating their pet dogs in an apparent crackdown on the “vulgar Western culture” of canine ownership, Iranian media reported. Iran’s government considers keeping pet dogs un-Islamic, because per the prophet Muhammad’s orders, most dogs were to be killed and all dogs of a specific color (black) had to be killed.

What happens to the dogs when they're caught:

Stray dogs are shot to death in residential streets by city workers, while others are buried alive after being thrown into deeply dug grave-pits. Then government worker randomly shoots at helpless dogs, which leave many injured. Howling and whimpering the dogs are buried alive.

Islamic savagery:

In many instances, Iranian officials inject acid into stray dogs causing a slow, agonizing death. The dogs and puppies scream in excruciating pain as their internal organs and tissues are chemically burned with the acid.

This is how the Muslim government of Iran treats innocent dogs:

These barbarians will burn.


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