Dumb and Dumber
Jun 25, 2016
Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has made it clear that he does not support a securing or closing of the borders of Germany for various reasons, including what he believes may be the downfall of the German people: inbreeding.
Does this guy know the meaning of that word? What utter nonsense. The "solution" to this "problem" is even dumber:
According to Mr. Schäuble mass migration is a great opportunity for Germans to become more diverse as a people, especially the mass migration of Muslims: “For us, Muslims in Germany are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity,” Tagesspiegel reports.
Of course, let's open the doors to the very people who are actually inbreeding. Arabs and Pakistanis have zero qualms about marrying their first and second cousins. Often, the couple don't have a choice in the matter; their families simply arrange the marriage.
For example, just look at Britain:
First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families. Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.
The population of Germany is over 80 million. High-IQ Germans marrying other non-related high-IQ Germans is not inbreeding. It's simply smart policy.