Are you not entertained?
Jun 17, 2016
Google translation of a Dutch language article at Vlad Tepes:
In the night between Saturday and Sunday (12 – 13 June) were city busses in the Dutch city of Haarlem pelted by heavy paving stones. A 25 y.o. passenger was hit and brought to the hospital with head injury. The window panes of the bus were broken to pieces.
Such are the exciting nocturnal activities of Muslim youths. Look on the bright side: they're not raping anyone.
I would spend part of my university summers breaks in Saudi Arabia. My siblings there still had to attend school in May and June. One day my mom asked me to go out and escort my younger brother from his school bus stop. I was a bit confused since that was just two blocks away. Basically, a two-minutes walk if you're lazy.
My mom explained that some Arab kids use my nine-years-old Pakistani brother as target practice. They throw stones at him. If Muslims treat their own coreligionists with such compassion and tolerance, then the infidels are royally fucked.