Good luck!
One rifle to rule them all

Sexy IPS


The personal computer is getting thinner, lighter, more integrated and more appliance-like. The movement is no longer confined to just Apple either. The traditional PC OEMs are following suit. Even Microsoft has finally entered the PC hardware business, something it threatened to do for years but hadn't until now. Distribution models will change, the lines between different form factors will continue to blur. What was once a mature industry is going through a significant transformation.


The impressively thin display assembly or overall chassis thickness look neat in a photo but it’s not until you actually live with the rMBP that you can appreciate what Apple has done here. I carry around a 15-inch MacBook Pro because it’s my desktop, and as such it’s incredibly useful to have with me when I travel. For my personal usage model, the Retina MacBook Pro is perfect.

I have to say that Apple laptops, especially their screens, look very nice. For far too long on the windows side of laptops the screen quality has been utter crap. Of course, windows laptops are also cheaper but often the better quality screens (IPS) are not even presented as a possible option. So, even if one is willing to spend more for the quality, the option doesn't exist.


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