Smashing again!
The burqa heist returns

Feminists support oppression

The National Post:

The Supreme Court must decide whether women may keep their faces covered in court. Or rather whether Muslim women can, but other women can’t.

Of course. Muslims don't have to follow our inferior, man-made rules.

The Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) – a bastion of feminist activists – argued that the alleged victim should be allowed to wear the veil if her religion demands it, stating that forcing a Muslim woman to uncover her face while testifying “could very well be seen and experienced as an act of racial, religious and gendered domination.”

Why are feminists so dumb?

What's interesting is that Tarek Fatah doesn't support this silly exception.

“[Muslim women] should be treated like any other woman and receive the same protections.” Fatah also objected to the Charter being a vehicle for gender inequality: “The covered female face is a reminder to the wearer that she is not free and to the observer, that she is a possession.”

One has to work very hard to be dumber than a Muslim.


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