Lot of Pain
The Aurora

The Rules to Serfdom

An illuminating post:

Between the crappy economy and the fall of chivalry, there seems to be some real confusion around money and dating. While every single girl I’ve talked to expects the guy to pay on a date, it seems there are a lot of guys who are still quite unsure on the rules.

Let's see some of these rules.

> If it is a first date and you called her and asked her out – You pay
> If it is a first date and she called you and asked you out – You pay
> If it is a first date and you called her but she suggested the restaurant – You pay
> If it is a first date but you’ve already hooked up – You pay
> If it is a second date and you payed for the first date – You still pay

I dare say, I do you sense a pattern here, my dear Watson.


Francis W. Porretto

Ah, but it's when you marry her that you really start paying!

"Women?" Smith said. "They're a dime a dozen."
"Perhaps," replied Jones, "but when you cut the number down to one, the quantity discounts no longer apply."

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