The Planet Will Really Heal in 2012
ODI #3123: Pakistan vs. New Zealand

Expensive Sex

John Leo via David Thompson:

Northwestern is getting much more publicity than Skidmore in the second-term campus sexual Olympics. A course on sex taught by psychology Professor John Michael Bailey recently featured a naked woman being worked on by a man wielding a sex toy. The man was described as “a Chicago sex tour guide.” The 600-student course, which for some reason is one of the largest at Northwestern, features all kinds of sexual expression and guests that include swingers and convicted sex offenders. The optional, after-class sex-toy demonstration, Bailey said, “helps us understand sexual diversity”—possibly the first time a state-of-the-art vibrator demonstration was stuffed in under the campus diversity umbrella.

I'm sure there will be tremendous market demand in the future for such, er, knowledge. Or maybe, these kids should stop caring and learn to love their debt.


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