Pyrrhic Pwnage?
They Also Implode

Batman 3


Warner Bros. Pictures announced yesterday that Oscar-nominated actress Anne Hathaway will co-star opposite Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan's much-anticipated Dark Knight sequel, The Dark Knight Rises. The big news for Batfans, however, is that after months of feverish speculation, Rises has finally announced its villains: Hathaway as Selina Kyle (a.k.a. Catwoman), and Inception's Tom Hardy as Bane.

I figured Catwoman would be in after Nolan whacked the Bat's squeeze in the previous sequel. But Bane!? Now, that's definitely a surprise.

On a related matter, let's see if DC and WB can get their act together with the Kal-El franchise. Maybe, many years down the road, they can have the both of them together in the same movie ...


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