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The Illogic of Obama

Mark Steyn:

The Obama administration came into office promising to press the "reset" button with the rest of the world after eight years of the so-called arrogant, swaggering Texan cowboy blundering his way around the planet, offending peoples from many lands. Instead, Obama pressed the ejector-seat button: Brits, Czechs, Israelis, Indians found themselves given the brush. I gather the Queen was "amused" by the president's thoughtful gift of an iPod preloaded with Obama speeches – and, fortunately for Her Majesty, the 160GB model only has storage capacity for two of them, or three if you include one of his shorter perorations.

Obama's behavior towards American enemies is understandable: his combination of foreign policy idiocy and ignorance rivals that of JFK. Basically, he seems to thinks that he'll make peace with thugs by laying down weapons and bowing before them.

But what is odd is his treatment of allies. Why act like a buffoon towards them?


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