Those Crazy Republicans!
Poor Birds

Is It A Myth?

"No such thing as virginity":

“The Purity Myth” is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. When I lost my virginity as a high school freshman, I didn’t understand why I didn’t feel changed somehow. Wasn’t this supposed to be, like, a big deal? Later, in college, as I’d listen to male friends deride their sexual partners as sluts and whores, I struggled to comprehend how intercourse could mean one thing for men and quite another for women. I knew that logically, nothing about sex could make a girl “dirty,” but I found it incredibly frustrating that my certainty about this seemed to be lost on my male peers. And as I talked to my queer friends, whose sexual experiences were often dismissed because they didn’t fit into the heterosexual model, I started to realize how useless “virginity” really was.


Cafe Alpha

Virginity is a standard. A useless standard.

How about "good at sex" and "inexperienced, unskilled, crumby, fumbling" as more meaningful polls on a scale?

Snake Oil Baron

I had the same reaction:

At first it is like, "Giggidy giggidy! All Right!"

Then it's like, "Wait! Those lame-ass moron jocks were making fun of me for not having done this? This is supposed to be the difference between being a man or not?"

Losing my virginity did change me in one important way. Before, I had merely suspected something about humanity. Having sex confirmed it for me. The entire human species really is as dumb as it looks.

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