Behold the Man!
The Patriarchy Made Me Do It

Is She Crying Yet?

The Apostate writes about me:

Updated to add link to my stalker’s site, and to say: the funny thing is, this guy who is obsessed with me makes a lot of posts mocking feminism, feminists (especially yours truly) and generally serving the patriarchy through lies and smirks, but being a former Muslim, he DOES acknowledge that Muslim women are oppressed, including sexually oppressed (the very thing he’s so happy is being demonstrated to be false in the article he links).

A few points:

  1. Yes, that's right: Linking to and criticizing asinine statements is now considered "stalking". But then, she also thinks that Communism Is Cool, so it does make sense. No one is stopping the Apostate, or anyone else, from linking to my posts. To do so isn't called stalking. Heck, by that definition, I've been "stalking" Prof. Reynolds and Charles Johnson for five years. I guess it's easy to play the victim game than to reply to my posts. (I don't leave comments or trackbacks at her blog which makes the "stalking" charge even more inane. She chooses to visit my blog and then gets upset because she can't come up with cogent comebacks to my posts.)
  2. So far, the Apostate and I strongly disagreed on many issues. However, she has decided to call me a liar. Here's a challenge, Apostate: Point out these lies.
  3. I do mock feminists who think men and women are the same with the exception of their plumbing. They think that the gender differences -- the masculine and feminine qualities -- are created by society. This, I think, is silly. Men and women are attracted to different types of activities. This is largely why with almost total freedom, we see that certain fields still don't have a 50/50 gender divide; not because of some phantom discrimination but because, overall, men and women choose differently. To deny this is to inflict perpetual misery upon oneself.
  4. Serving the patriarchy is lucrative. Every Friday I get a sizable cheque. Hey, it pays better than stripping. You know you would do it to!
  5. Of course, Muslim women are oppressed. The religion of Muhammad is truly patriarchal. It's only when this system is said to be no different than the mechanisms of the West that we run into loony territory.

Here's a delicious strawman:

On the other hand, feminists apparently dreamt up the patriarchy, and no oppression exists or existed in the west.

Just because I disagree with her cute feminist views means that women were never oppressed in the West. I am blinded (ouch!) by the sheer brilliance of her argument.

Never mind that the same mechanisms are at work everywhere – the only difference is degree – and until the very recent past, the west was perpetrating the same oppression against western women that the east is perpetrating today, many of which oppressions haven’t completely been dismantled even in the west.

Many of these oppressions are still present in the West? What might they be? Please, do elaborate. By the way, men not noticing you without makeup doesn't count as oppression.

And the reason the west was able to progress beyond these oppressions to some extent is the work of feminists, because of which work my stalker can feel superior to those backward Islamic civilizations, while at the same time calling feminists crazy.

How…cognitively dissonant of him.

There is no cognitive dissonance since I do not credit feminists for the rise of women in the West in the past century. Unless, feminists are responsible for:

  1. The revolution in agriculture over the last 120 years which ensured that an overwhelming majority of society didn't have to be in farming for civilization to survive. Only in the 21st century, did we for the first time have a situation in which most of the employed people on Earth are not into farm related work. This allowed jobs to come forth where women could comfortably work. (You know, because of their inferior physical strength.)
  2. The pill.

Overall, I think the influence of recent feminists has been a net negative for most men and women. To feminists: Thinking of half the society as The Enemy is not healthy.

[Postdated from Monday to Friday; then back to Thursday.]



shez a dumb bit**. Now she is claiming that rich should not get Social security benefits even though they paid taxes all their lives. She is no different from the jihadist cry babies.

Cafe Alpha

I do mock feminists who think men and women are the same with the exception of their plumbing. They think that the gender differences -- the masculine and feminine qualities -- are created by society. This, I think, is silly. Men and women are attracted to different types of activities. This is largely why with almost total freedom, we see that certain fields still don't have a 50/50 gender divide; not because of some phantom discrimination but because, overall, men and women choose differently. To deny this is to inflict perpetual misery upon oneself.

Get to know transexuals who are taking [rather massive] doses of hormones to change their bodies - read articles written by some.

It becomes obvious, quickly, that most of the emotional and mental differences between men and women, boys and girls are the result of hormones. Amazingly, even the ability to do math is affected. High doses of testosterone tends to give people a pornographic imagination, but it also makes it easier to visualize other things, and that's useful for math and chemistry etc.

Hormones are very power psychoactive drugs. Welcome to reality.

Cafe Alpha

Reading her comment section there is one long rant by Apostate which shows that she entirely fails to realize that probably a majority of men outside of the Muslim world often have attitudes entirely different than Muslim men.

She knows full well what a patriarchy is like, she grew up in one. She hasn't even noticed that she's escaped to someplace entirely different.

Cafe Alpha

To feminists: Thinking of half the society as The Enemy is not healthy.

Give her credit, it's perfectly healthy if you're growing up in Pakistan. The question is whether her perceptions can ever catch up with the move she's made.

Mike T
On the other hand, feminists apparently dreamt up the patriarchy, and no oppression exists or existed in the west.

Like any myth, it's based on a kernel of truth. Much like the myth of Hercules was probably based on a guy who ate a lot of red meat, was athletic and a good fighter...

Snake Oil Baron

You also seem to be stalking that Umar Lee guy - how very au courant and metrosexual of you (kidding).

People who dislike criticism and dissenting opinions always have very imaginative ways of describing such material: Stalking, hate crimes, oppression, tyranny, blasphemy, talking-points, propaganda etc.

In truth, calling you a stalker seems to me to be both libelous and a defamation of character. Or it would if anyone actually took her seriously. She is going to make a great lawyer.

Mike T

All joking aside, if this bill gets passed, you won't be safe entering the US if she is still pissed off at you.


She is getting crazier by minute.

Cafe Alpha

On the other hand, feminists apparently dreamt up the patriarchy, and no oppression exists or existed in the west.

There have been generations with patriarchal attitudes, just not recently.

People's paranoia about how society works never keeps up with how completely society changes.

Cafe Alpha

The sad thing about Apostate is that she escaped from authoritarian, antidemocratic bigots, and doesn't want to be deeply different from them; she just wants to have an inverted hierarchy from them.

She deletes and bans rather than argues with people who disagree with her.

I'm not saying she's as dangerous as an Islamist, she's not out oppressing anyone, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to be her son. Give her power over a boy and she may well abuse it.

Cafe Alpha

DAMN IT, all of the posts I made with italics showing quotes have changed and the italic disapeared!!!

"On the other hand, feminists apparently dreamt up the patriarchy, and no oppression exists or existed in the west." is supposed to be italicized, ie quoted.

"To feminists: Thinking of half the society as The Enemy is not healthy." is supposed to be italicized

"I do mock feminists who think men and women are the same..." is supposed to be italicized!

Cafe Alpha

oic, I think the css is not always loading or something, the italics are back...

Some the time I see them.

Isaac Schrödinger

Yeah, the CSS is loopy on this page. I can see your exact comment with the relevant HTML and I know that you italicized those quotes but, strangely, I just see regular text here.


I do not credit feminists for the rise of women in the West in the past century. Unless, feminists are responsible for:

1. The revolution in agriculture over the last 120 years which ensured that an overwhelming majority of society didn't have to be in farming for civilization to survive. Only in the 21st century, did we for the first time have a situation in which most of the employed people on Earth are not into farm related work. This allowed jobs to come forth where women could comfortably work. (You know, because of their inferior physical strength.)

You cannot credit the industrial revolution with the progress women have made in the US in the twentieth century. To do so ignores the importance of other achievements women have made which are unrelated to their employment, such as married women's property rights and women's suffrage.

2. The pill.
Sorry to break it to you, but Margaret Sanger, a feminist, was instrumental in the development of the pill.


Half of this species (human?) hates the other half, which hates the other half in return.
That's the way things should be.

To me, this is a clear indication that this species (human?) is sitting at the end of its existence (at long last).

Not only are humans completely useless: they are also most destructive. I see humanity as Life's biggest mistake. Our existence is a deadly threat to the planet.
Our extinction will do the planet much needed good.

I count very heavily on feminism to achieve that.

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