Going Galt or Geithner?
Gulls and Pixels

The Government is Not Your Friend

Michael Williams via Instapundit:

Today I received a letter from the IRS that my 2007 tax returns are being audited. Less than one month after launching TaxCheatStamps.com.

There's a list of "proposed changes" they want to make to my 2007 return that would require me to pay almost $14,000 in taxes, penalties, and interest. All the "discrepancies" they list are bogus and I have documentation to prove it. I keep meticulous records and always pay every cent I owe to Uncle Sam. We're going to talk to a lawyer ASAP.

The fellow has to spend money in the current environment to prove his innocence; he's presumed guilty.


Snake Oil Baron

Government is reality's revenge on humanity for its willful ignorance in the face of the obvious. Unfortunately, reality believes in collective punishment.

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